We’re excited to introduce the post-production team for our debut fiction film, Annalium 8: Sssss.
Nick Hamilton has joined the crew as our editor, with Charlie Diggle now also on board as composer and sound designer.

Editor, Nick Hamilton
Both are working with our director, Andrew ‘Griff’ Griffin, to finalise the look and sound of the film, which we shot in South Wales last year.
Nick has worked in the film and video industry for 14 years, mainly in post-production as a video editor and motion graphics artist. He has worked with Griff as the editor for previous projects, including Stop: Watch and The Flock.
Charlie’s previous film projects include The Walker, directed by Joseph Walker, for which he composed music.

Sound designer and composer, Charlie Diggle
Annalium 8: Sssss is a dark scifi short, produced by Weltch Media and Annalium Films.
In a world where all all animal life has been wiped out, a scientist in full bio-hazard kit and with a life-support machine in tow, discovers a young girl, apparently fit and well…
The film stars Francesca Louise White and Minaii Baelfire. Francesca is an award-winning actress who had the main role in our popular lockdown comedy promo video With a T, and Minaii holds the distinction of being the world’s first Black Young Elsa in a stage production of Frozen.
We hope the film will be finished in late summer. For the latest news, follow the film on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
You can see the trailer here.
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