In Client news

We have had more great feedback for our media training after a day-long session at RCN Wales last week [December 6].

“Participants were very positive about the day – especially around the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone in a supportive space,” RCN Wales communications and media officer, Kate Israel told us.

Mariclare Carey-Jones and Andy Weltch ran the introductory media training day for a group of nurses and RCN officers from around Wales.

After an introduction to the different types of media interview and some top tips, the participants went through mock interviews for radio, press and TV.

“As a comms team, it was also useful for us to get a sense of each person’s interview style and unique voice, and in turn what their particular strengths would be in different types of interviews,” Kate added.

“I think the practical element is so important because trainees feel like they’ve already done an interview by the time they are approached for the real thing. So, they will be more willing to jump at the opportunity to apply what they have learned.”

We can adapt the format to suit any client, and can run sessions online or in-person. We also offer more advanced training with a developing crisis or other scenario.

Our training is designed to be affordable, useful, and fun. See what others have said, and check out this little video.

We also now offer copywriting training online to help you and your team get the words just right for your website, blogs or publications.

Check out our range of services here.

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